Children not only need art, but they understand it much more than most adults. They still have the urge to create and imagine without limitations. Too many adults have given that up somewhere in their adolescence. One of our primary goals is to ensure there is a steady stream of creators, artists, and inventors entering the adult world. We cannot allow entire generations to sit back and rest on just consuming things because it is easier, faster, or less expensive. You need to connect with your children and show them the importance of creating things (both tangible and intangible).
Ideally, you’ll participate with them in the act of making, but at the very least don’t put roadblocks in the way of their creativity. I’m not saying anyone would do that intentionally, but the routines and stress of life can let many things get rushed or fall by the wayside. Be intentional about the art of creating with your children. And if you can, schedule some specific time for making something with your children nearby. You will inspire your children to create more just by being an example of someone that creates.