Gather near Santa Seth and Holiday Socks

This is the perfect time of year to gather by the chimney with loved ones. Perhaps your family has a wealth of traditions you look forward to this time of year. Maybe you are starting some new family traditions of your own.

Children are full of sugar and energy this time of year. Has that energy been put to good use making and decorating cookies? Taste-testers are never in short supply. Have they been helpful decorating your house and Christmas tree too? Remember it is the thought that counts (even if you redecorate a bit). However, there is something to be said about helping the kids relax and reflect as the holiday season progresses. So, we’ve provided a Christmas themed coloring page that is filled with holiday cheer!

Do you recognize Seth, The Seal of Approval, dressed as Santa Claus? Did you see the socks from our book, Where’s Its Pair?, disguised as Christmas stockings hung by the fire with care? Coloring helps quiet children outwardly while jump-starting an internal world of imagination. It is a great calming activity for kids and adults alike. So why wait? Download and print out our festive activity and gather around the ones you love. There is nothing wrong about coloring as a family. (Attachment is at the bottom of the post)

Remember this season is all about wonder and cheer. This year before opening presents, have each child guess what might be inside their presents. I’m certain their imaginative answers will give you a reason for a few jolly laughs. Laughing curbs stress and spending time with family matters.

Combining anticipation and imagination always leads to great results every time.  And we look forward to hearing from you in the new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our star pupils! We have great things planned for 2018.

December is for Going Places

This December we are teaming up with Going Places, a local Charleston nonprofit organization focused on providing low income, high poverty kids with the most basic childhood right; a right to joy! This is exciting for us because we can combine helping kids go places with their imagination while helping them go places physically.

Katie Blomquist, Founder, and Executive Director, of Going Places, has been an absolute pleasure to work with on this effort. We are pledging 25 cents per book purchased throughout the entire month of December to Going Places! This includes sales from both our eBooks and Paperbacks! If you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to buy our books or gift one to someone else, there is no better time than now.

Clicking on a book will take you to Amazon for purchase.

Beach or Bust - Book Cover
Beach or Bust
The Seal of Approval - Book Cover
The Seal of Approval
Where's Its Pair Front Cover
Where’s Its Pair?

Our goal is to raise as much money for Going Places as possible, so tell your family and your friends (or anyone that will listen). But if you feel the urge and understand the need, you can give directly to Going Places indeed.

We Must Get To The Beach

It’s August 1st, I bet I can guess where you want to be. The beach! Right? The last time you visited the beach, did everything go exactly as planned? If not, you’re among good company. Despite all of our best efforts and checklists, we might miss a small detail that turns into something more. It can be very frustrating because the anticipation has been building up to reaching our destination.

Perhaps it is time to take a step back and think about how those little unplanned moments help craft the eventual adventure. It is great when things go as planned, but we can’t and shouldn’t always expect it to happen that way. We must remain flexible. What really matters is the adventure (and having a good time – especially with family).

Beach or Bust - Book CoverI’m very excited to ask you all on our next adventure together, “Beach or Bust” (ebook – the paperback will be launching soon). This is our third adventure connecting with you and your family. I know you’ll be able to relate to this story. Remember being at the beach is all about relaxing and having fun. Don’t let the little hiccups distract you from what’s truly important.

Back to school time is rapidly approaching, so extend your summer mindset for just a while longer. The beach is calling. We hope to see you there.

This story was locally inspired over the many trips I’ve taken Folly Beach, South Carolina. It’s just down the road (so to speak) from Charleston, South Carolina. There are plenty of other great local beaches as well, but it’s the one I visit the most.

What is your favorite beach? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter and use the hashtag #BeachOrBust to let us know!

Approval Is What You Seek

I’m sure we can all relate during the era of social media. We all want approval on some level, don’t we? Believe me, being yourself is one of life’s great challenges.

Children are constantly seeking approval from parents, siblings, and extended family. Once they begin school new paths for approval are found or forged with their peers and school teachers. It is important to instill great life lessons from an early age. The best lessons come from positive role models and examples. However, we don’t all get those throughout our lives (at least not consistently).

So what does this really mean? We must develop our own character and look internally for satisfaction and validation. We must protect our character and reputation. But why does this really matter? Because today our new children’s book, “The Seal of Approval” is launching. You can now learn where the phrase originated (if you believe everything you read in a children’s book).

The Seal of Approval - Book CoverCurrently, only the e-book is available, however, the paperback version will be launching soon.

Feel free to also check out our other children’s book, “Where’s Its Pair?” available electronically and as a paperback.


Our Present To You

Happy Holidays, and without further to-do, let us announce our present to you. From now until Saturday, December 31 our e-book Where’s Its Pair? is available for free (available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Apps). Yes, you read that correctly, so why are you waiting? We hope you’ll grab a copy and read it through and after you’ve finished we hope you’ll leave a review!

Get Your Gift Now!

Get your hands on the paperback

So, you may remember our first book, “Where’s Its Pair?” launched as an e-book in late August. After a lot of hard work, we are pleased to let you know it is now available in paperback format! We are pumped that we were able to get this out just in time for you to enjoy during the holidays. We know all you adults will be able to relate with trying to find matching socks. We’ve all been there, but now you can look back on those moments with humor.

Taking time to see humor in everyday things propels your imagination, if you allow it to take control.
– Jef Lippiatt – Author of “Where’s Its Pair?”

The Next Step Is Making It Real

We’ve been working hard to have the physical copy of “Where’s Its Pair?” ready to purchase in time for the upcoming holiday season. After all, there is nothing better than sharing stories and time with family! I just wanted to share this behind the scenes footage with you so you can share in the excitement.

The video shows the proof copies of “Where’s Its Pair?” being unboxed after they arrive. It was definitely a moment worth capturing. I hope you enjoy seeing the experience and how happy we are to be providing unique educational content for young minds.

Book Launch – Where’s Its Pair?

We are so happy to announce that our first book, “Where’s Its Pair?“, is now available on the Amazon Kindle store for only $2.99. You can get your hands on a copy for your Kindle or download it to a smartphone or tablet with the Kindle App.

You and your chWhere's Its Pair Coverildren will certainly enjoy this story about the adventures socks have when you aren’t watching. This is the first book by author and illustrator duo Jef Lippiatt and Louis Durrant.

We would love to hear your feedback on the story so be sure to share your thoughts with us on Twitter @starpupilbooks and use #SneakySocks